2008 Symposium Program

Feb 4thFeb 5thFeb 6thFeb 7th

Full-Day Short Courses

  • Designing Pool and Riffle Streams – Instructor: Bob Newbury, Newbury Hydraulics
  • Application of Regime Models to Reach-Scale Channel Morphology – Instructors: Brett Eaton and Rob Millar, University of British Columbia
  • Vegetative Considerations for Streambank Soil Bioengineering Treatments Used in
  • Riparian Restoration – Instructors: Chris Hoag and Jon Fripp, USDA NRCS Plant Materials Center


Anne MacDonald, President RRNW

Opening Address

Gordon Grant, PNW Research Lab, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon: The Very Hungry River: Lessons from the Spectacular Geomorphic Response of the Sandy River to Removal of Marmot Dam

Session 1: Hydraulic Modeling for River Restoration in the 21st Century

  • Linking fisheries and hydrologic modeling to optimize low flow conditions for steelhead and Chinook salmon in tributary basins of Napa County, CA. — Jeremy Kobor
  • Using 2D hydraulic models for baseline assessment and alternatives analysis of restoration & bank protection projects — Erik Rowland
  • Improvements in the hydraulic analysis of retrofit culverts — Margaret Lang
  • Lessons learned on the Feather River levee setback project: using 2-dimensional modeling to envision functional floodplain landscapes – John Stofleth
  • Quantifying reductions of mass-failure frequency and sediment loadings from streambanks –Andrew Simon

Session 2: Restoration Context – Considerations of Scale, Biological and Geomorphic Context, and Societal Value

  • Addressing Multi-Scale Watershed Problems With Local Channel Enhancements: Are We on the Restoration Path? —Brian Cluer
  • Setting river restoration goals: the context of catchment change — Matt Kondolf
  • Process-based principles for restoring dynamic river ecosystems — Tim Beechie
  • Alluvial landscape response to climate change in glacial rivers and the implications to river restoration — Tim Abbe

Session 3: Case Studies

  • What willows can do for you – a case study in soil bioengineering streambank protection — J. Chris Hoag
  • Cheakamus River side channel re-watering project — Peter Frederiksen
  • Modeling salmon recovery with Life Cycle Analyses — Anne Mullan
  • Strategic prioritization of urban stream restoration based on salmon habitat preferences —Willis E. (Chip) McConnaha

Design Methods A: Plants as riparian engineers

Angela Gurnell, King’s College, London

Session 4: Poster Presentations


Bianca Streif Considering Pacific Lamprey when Implementing Instream Activities
Sean Welch Strategies and Techniques for Fish Passage Design at Irrig. Diversions: Dam Removal Study
Eirik Schulz Stream Restoration and Habitat Improvements on Urban Streams: Johnson Creek Case Study
Robin Jenkinson Bonneville Environmental Foundation Model Watershed Partnerships: Funding…Restoration
Linda Brown Blue Mountain Diversion Construction Challenges
Nick Gerhardt Rehabilitation of a Dredge Mined Stream, Crooked River, Idaho
Jennifer Goldsmith Levee Setback and Removal for Floodplain Improvements in Salmon Habitat Restoration
Thomas Macdonald Conversion of Industrial Dam to Natural Rock Rapids
Karen Williams Using Bed Load Sampling and Calibrated Sediment Transport Analysis…Newsome Creek, ID
Janet Oatney Quick Reference Guides—Tools for Successful Project Implementation
Mary Price Past, Present, and Potential Restoration Actions in Urban Chester Creek, Anchorage, AK
Brett Jordan Restoring Channel Migration, Fish Passage, and Wildlife Connectivity at HWY Crossing
Charles Chamberlain Spawning Responses to River Restoration and Geomorphological Process: Trinity River
Tim Abbe Guidelines for Reintroducing and Managing Wood
Jeremy Bunn Applied Hydrograph Analysis for Aquatic Habitat Restoration using Engineered Log Jams
Gus Kays A Lessons Learned Study in Construction for Restoration using Engineered Log Structures
Jeff Parsons The North Bay Natural Area Preserve Feasibility Assessment
Nina Hemphill Fry Responses to Restoration of Geomorphological Processes: Trininty River
Ethan Rosenthal Lessons Learned from the Williamson River Delta Restoration Project
Eileen Cashman Sediment Transport through Road Culverts Retrofit for Fish Passage
Brett Moore Restoration Case Studies and Lessons Learned: Wallowa and Powder Rivers, Cottonwood Ck
Joshua Wyrick Integrating Fluvial Islands into River Restoration Concepts

Session 5: Floodplain Restoration

  • Restoration design for rerouted watercourses — Colin Thorne
  • Vegetating channel constrictors using wetland plants — Katie Salsbury
  • East Powell Butte floodplain restoration project – Brownwood phase — Maggie Skenderian
  • Floodplain response to a large levee removal project on the Raging River – John Bethel

Session 6: Guidelines for the Engineered Placement of Wood in Rivers

Session 7: Monitoring

  • Kelley Creek confluence restoration monitoring — Sean Bistoff
  • Monitoring practice in California: results from the interview phase of the National River Restoration Science Synthesis Project —Rebecca Lave
  • Evaluation of the Benewah Creek restoration project with a focus on the biological response —Johanna Weston
  • A review of current practice in restoration monitoring — Patricia F. McDowell

After-Dinner Speaker

John Echohawk, Native American Rights Fund: The role of tribal water rights cases in restoring streams

Design Methods C

Ed Keller, Environmental Studies Program and Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara: Endangered southern steelhead in small mountain streams of Southern California: it’s all about geology and boulder LREs

Session 8: Stream Restoration by Tribes and First Nations

  • Nez Perce Tribe’s watershed restoration program — Emmit Taylor Jr.
  • Bringing the bottom-up: restoring floodplain connectivity in Tepee Creek — Will Conley
  • Meeting tribal resource objectives through restoration of an incised stream reach — Angelo Vitale

Session 9: Restoration of Large Alluvial Rivers

  • Concepts for large river restorations: experience from the Danube — Fritz Schiemer
  • Analysis of current and historical sediment loads in the Mississippi River to support restoration of the delta — Oliver Harmar
  • Restoring the River Rhine in the Netherlands: achievements and challenges — Henk P. Wolfert
  • Restoring the Columbia River: working within the realm of the possible — Janine M. Castro and Kelley Jorgensen

Session 10 Panel Discussion: The 3 R’s of Professional Restoration: Registration, Rules, and Responsibility

This is a panel discussion on the roles and responsibilities of professional licensing in the multi-disciplinary team approach to restoration projects.

  • Professional Geologists – Steve Taylor – Chair of the Oregon State Board of Geologist Examiners
  • Professional Engineers – Stuart Albright– Past Member of Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying
  • Professional Wetland Scientists – Jim Wiggins –Program Vice-President of the Pacific Northwest of the Society of Wetland Scientists
  • Professional Landscape Architects – Jim Figurski –Member of Oregon State Landscape Architect Board

Closing Address

Dave Montgomery, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle: Dirt — The Erosion of Civilizations

Closing Remarks 

Bernard Klatte, Incoming RRNW President