Feb 1stFeb 2ndFeb 3rdFeb 4th
Short Courses
Sue Niezgoda – President, RRNW
Opening Address
Janine Castro – Kaleidoscope Eyes – Shattering the Idols of Success and Failure
Session 1: Kootenai River Habitat Restoration Program
- Restoring the Kootenai: A Tribal Approach to Restoration of a Large River in Idaho – Susan Ireland
- People Matter: Creating Opportunities for Meaningful Collaboration and Engagement – Alison Squier
- Predicting Performance of Habitat Restoration on the Kootenai River – Matt Daniels
- Riparian Restoration Along a Backwater Influence Gradient on the Dam-controlled Kootenai River – Tom Parker
Session 2: Assessing Restoration Performance and Potential
- Ground and UAV-based Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry for river assessment and restoration monitoring – James Dietrich
- Comparing Remote Sensing Techniques in Detecting Salmonid Habitat, Salmon River, Oregon – Christina Shintani
- High resolution, cost effective grain size mapping with structure from motion: Testing new methods to better quantify salmonid spawning habitat – Ryan Richardson
- Habitat Restoration Targets in the Lower Columbia River Ecosystem – How Much is Enough – Catherine Corbett
Session 3: Adapting to a Changing Climate
- Restoration of cold water refugia in the Columbia River Estuary – Christopher Collins
- Stream restoration in an urban context as a means of climate adaptation – Peter Adamsen
- Treading Lightly while Adapting to Climate Change on a Large River Restoration Project – Carol Beahan
- Integrating Climate Change into Design and Permitting of Culverts – Jane Atha
Session 4: The BIG Picture: The Human Element
- Can We Have Our Cows And Our Chinook Too? Re-introducing Grazing After 14 Years of Riparian Recovery On A Tribal Conservation Property – Emily Davis
- Large scale floodplain restoration in the Chehalis Basin, WA – Multibenefits for flood reduction, habitat and Tribal/public benefits – Greg Reub
Invited Speaker
Richard N. Williams, Ph.D. – Faith in Nature: The Missing Element in Salmon Management and Mitigation Programs
Invited Speaker
Stewart Rood – Functional Flows: A Practical Strategy for Healthy Rivers
Session 5: Learning More About Large Wood
- A Flexible and Cost-Effective Approach to Installing Large Wood Assemblages in Fine Grained Substrates – Matt Brennan
- Un-Engineered Log Jams: Experimental Wood Addition in a Mobile-Bank Flume – Sarah Davidson
- Modeling the Effect of Geomorphic Change Triggered by Large Wood Addition on Salmon Habitat in a Forested Coastal Watershed – Russell Bair
Session 6: Poster Session
Denis Reich | Use of GIS Technology to Prioritize the Restoration and Protection of Anchor Habitat Riparian Areas in the Rogue Basin |
Rebecca Scully | Using An Online Map Viewer to Discover Where Monitoring and Salmon Habitat Restoration Overlaps |
Stacy Beaugh | Case Studies of Riparian Restoration at a Landscape-Scale: Successes, Lessons Learned and a Model for Other Initiatives |
Janice Bell | Batwater Station Floodplain Restoration |
Chad Krofta | Integration is Integral: Deriving Value from Estuary Restoration |
Brian Vaughn | River Island:Integrating Salmon Habitat and Stillwater Species Restoration |
Felix Kristanovich | China Creek – Design of Water Storage and Enhancement Project in Centralia, Washington |
Christina Appleby | Designing Side Channels and Modeling Restoration on the Lower Long Tom River |
Shane Phelps | A Small City Takes on a Large Floodplain Restoration Project – Permitting the City of Orting Calistoga Setback Levee |
Samuel Lyster | Maintaining Gravel Habitat in a Sand-Dominated Stream: a Field Experiment |
Tracey Dulin | Derry Dell Stream Enhancement Project: Improving Ecological Functions in Urban Floodplains |
Katie Mozes | SR 542 Anderson Creek: Simple Fish Passage or Something More |
David Bandrowski | Large Wood Precision Prototyping and 3D-Hydraulic Modeling to Evaluate River Processes and Enhance Engineering Guidelines |
Dr. Liaqat Khan | Computational Fluid Dynamics Model Analysis of Large Woody Debris Generated Free Surface Hydrodynamics |
Susan Elliott | Physical Modeling of the Feedbacks Between Invasive Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea), Hydraulics and Bedform Evolution |
Invited Speaker
Matt Kondolf – Erodible Corridors: Where Possible in Theory, Examples in Practice
Session 7: Erosion and Sediment Strategies
- Can fluvial-hydraulic models accurately predict bed load transport in gravel bed streams? – A comparison of predicted and measured bed-load transport rates in Oak Creek, OR – Scott Katz
- Testing a basin-scale method for predicting salmonid spawning habitat via grain size – Allison Pfeiffer
Session 8: Managing Human Impacts
- A Stream, A Hospital, and A Train: An Urban Restoration Story – James Wisker
- FAST (Fifteenmile Action to Stabilize Temperature): Use of Voluntary Landowner Agreements and a Predictive Stream Temperature Model to Reduce Steelhead Mortality and Irrigator Liability in Fifteenmile Creek, Near The Dalles, Oregon – Caylin Barter
- Evaluating Roles for Intelligent Stormwater Controls in Adaptive Management of Urban Streams – Aaron Poresky
Invited Speaker:
David R. Montgomery – The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health
Session 9: Nature’s Ecological River Restorers
- Small animals with big impacts: Cumulative effects of invertebrates on river processes – Matthew Johnson
- Learning about riverine and wetland restoration from invasive beaver – Cherie Westbrook
- Partnering with Nature’s River Restorers – Colin Thorne
Flash Talks
- Freshwater Mussels: Shaping the Rivers They Live In – Celeste Mazzacano
- Novel Floodplain Forests: Diversity and Adaptability of Riparian Cottonwoods – Stewart Rood
- Beaver aren’t engineers! They’re geomorphologists – Janine Castro
- Giving Room for Nature’s Engineers – Matt Kondolf
Session 10: Integrating Riparian Management
- Chelan River Riparian Revegetation Feasibility Investigation – Leonard Ballek
- Seeing The Landscape For The Trees: Development Of Simple Metrics To Inform Riparian Zone Management – Matthew Johnson
- A New Tool for Quantifying Riparian Forest and Floodplain Function – Olivia Duren
Session 11: Project Lessons Learned
- Models for Cranberry Bog Stream and Wetland Restoration – Caitlin Alcott
- Small City Success – City of Orting Calistoga Setback Levee – JC Hungerford
- An experimental habitat enhancement effort for a sandy river: San Rafael River restoration project – Samuel Lyster
- Floodplain Reconnection and Channel Incision Reversal on Butano Creek, San Mateo County, CA: an Application of an Updated Stream Evolution Model – John Klochak