Full-Day Short Courses
- Designing Pool and Riffle Streams – Instructor: Bob Newbury, Newbury Hydraulics
- Application of Regime Models to Reach-Scale Channel Morphology – Instructors: Brett Eaton and Rob Millar, University of British Columbia
- Vegetative Considerations for Streambank Soil Bioengineering Treatments Used in
- Riparian Restoration – Instructors: Chris Hoag and Jon Fripp, USDA NRCS Plant Materials Center
Anne MacDonald, President RRNW
Opening Address
Gordon Grant, PNW Research Lab, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis, Oregon: The Very Hungry River: Lessons from the Spectacular Geomorphic Response of the Sandy River to Removal of Marmot Dam
Session 1: Hydraulic Modeling for River Restoration in the 21st Century
- Linking fisheries and hydrologic modeling to optimize low flow conditions for steelhead and Chinook salmon in tributary basins of Napa County, CA. — Jeremy Kobor
- Using 2D hydraulic models for baseline assessment and alternatives analysis of restoration & bank protection projects — Erik Rowland
- Improvements in the hydraulic analysis of retrofit culverts — Margaret Lang
- Lessons learned on the Feather River levee setback project: using 2-dimensional modeling to envision functional floodplain landscapes – John Stofleth
- Quantifying reductions of mass-failure frequency and sediment loadings from streambanks –Andrew Simon
Session 2: Restoration Context – Considerations of Scale, Biological and Geomorphic Context, and Societal Value
- Addressing Multi-Scale Watershed Problems With Local Channel Enhancements: Are We on the Restoration Path? —Brian Cluer
- Setting river restoration goals: the context of catchment change — Matt Kondolf
- Process-based principles for restoring dynamic river ecosystems — Tim Beechie
- Alluvial landscape response to climate change in glacial rivers and the implications to river restoration — Tim Abbe
Session 3: Case Studies
- What willows can do for you – a case study in soil bioengineering streambank protection — J. Chris Hoag
- Cheakamus River side channel re-watering project — Peter Frederiksen
- Modeling salmon recovery with Life Cycle Analyses — Anne Mullan
- Strategic prioritization of urban stream restoration based on salmon habitat preferences —Willis E. (Chip) McConnaha
Design Methods A: Plants as riparian engineers
Angela Gurnell, King’s College, London
Session 4: Poster Presentations
Bianca Streif | Considering Pacific Lamprey when Implementing Instream Activities |
Sean Welch | Strategies and Techniques for Fish Passage Design at Irrig. Diversions: Dam Removal Study |
Eirik Schulz | Stream Restoration and Habitat Improvements on Urban Streams: Johnson Creek Case Study |
Robin Jenkinson | Bonneville Environmental Foundation Model Watershed Partnerships: Funding…Restoration |
Linda Brown | Blue Mountain Diversion Construction Challenges |
Nick Gerhardt | Rehabilitation of a Dredge Mined Stream, Crooked River, Idaho |
Jennifer Goldsmith | Levee Setback and Removal for Floodplain Improvements in Salmon Habitat Restoration |
Thomas Macdonald | Conversion of Industrial Dam to Natural Rock Rapids |
Karen Williams | Using Bed Load Sampling and Calibrated Sediment Transport Analysis…Newsome Creek, ID |
Janet Oatney | Quick Reference Guides—Tools for Successful Project Implementation |
Mary Price | Past, Present, and Potential Restoration Actions in Urban Chester Creek, Anchorage, AK |
Brett Jordan | Restoring Channel Migration, Fish Passage, and Wildlife Connectivity at HWY Crossing |
Charles Chamberlain | Spawning Responses to River Restoration and Geomorphological Process: Trinity River |
Tim Abbe | Guidelines for Reintroducing and Managing Wood |
Jeremy Bunn | Applied Hydrograph Analysis for Aquatic Habitat Restoration using Engineered Log Jams |
Gus Kays | A Lessons Learned Study in Construction for Restoration using Engineered Log Structures |
Jeff Parsons | The North Bay Natural Area Preserve Feasibility Assessment |
Nina Hemphill | Fry Responses to Restoration of Geomorphological Processes: Trininty River |
Ethan Rosenthal | Lessons Learned from the Williamson River Delta Restoration Project |
Eileen Cashman | Sediment Transport through Road Culverts Retrofit for Fish Passage |
Brett Moore | Restoration Case Studies and Lessons Learned: Wallowa and Powder Rivers, Cottonwood Ck |
Joshua Wyrick | Integrating Fluvial Islands into River Restoration Concepts |
Session 5: Floodplain Restoration
- Restoration design for rerouted watercourses — Colin Thorne
- Vegetating channel constrictors using wetland plants — Katie Salsbury
- East Powell Butte floodplain restoration project – Brownwood phase — Maggie Skenderian
- Floodplain response to a large levee removal project on the Raging River – John Bethel
Session 6: Guidelines for the Engineered Placement of Wood in Rivers
- Introduction – Chris Brummer & Jim Miller
- Overview of design guideline requirements for placement of large woody debris – Ian Mostrenko
- Performance of ELJs in Washington State: post project appraisal — W. Barry Southerland
- Grade control and fish passage in urban stream enhancement: 3 case studies – Matthew Brennan
- How do logjams fail and what can we do about it? – Tracy Drury
Session 7: Monitoring
- Kelley Creek confluence restoration monitoring — Sean Bistoff
- Monitoring practice in California: results from the interview phase of the National River Restoration Science Synthesis Project —Rebecca Lave
- Evaluation of the Benewah Creek restoration project with a focus on the biological response —Johanna Weston
- A review of current practice in restoration monitoring — Patricia F. McDowell
After-Dinner Speaker
John Echohawk, Native American Rights Fund: The role of tribal water rights cases in restoring streams
Design Methods C
Ed Keller, Environmental Studies Program and Department of Earth Science, University of California, Santa Barbara: Endangered southern steelhead in small mountain streams of Southern California: it’s all about geology and boulder LREs
Session 8: Stream Restoration by Tribes and First Nations
- Nez Perce Tribe’s watershed restoration program — Emmit Taylor Jr.
- Bringing the bottom-up: restoring floodplain connectivity in Tepee Creek — Will Conley
- Meeting tribal resource objectives through restoration of an incised stream reach — Angelo Vitale
Session 9: Restoration of Large Alluvial Rivers
- Concepts for large river restorations: experience from the Danube — Fritz Schiemer
- Analysis of current and historical sediment loads in the Mississippi River to support restoration of the delta — Oliver Harmar
- Restoring the River Rhine in the Netherlands: achievements and challenges — Henk P. Wolfert
- Restoring the Columbia River: working within the realm of the possible — Janine M. Castro and Kelley Jorgensen
Session 10 Panel Discussion: The 3 R’s of Professional Restoration: Registration, Rules, and Responsibility
This is a panel discussion on the roles and responsibilities of professional licensing in the multi-disciplinary team approach to restoration projects.
- Professional Geologists – Steve Taylor – Chair of the Oregon State Board of Geologist Examiners
- Professional Engineers – Stuart Albright– Past Member of Oregon State Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying
- Professional Wetland Scientists – Jim Wiggins –Program Vice-President of the Pacific Northwest of the Society of Wetland Scientists
- Professional Landscape Architects – Jim Figurski –Member of Oregon State Landscape Architect Board
Closing Address
Dave Montgomery, Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle: Dirt — The Erosion of Civilizations
Closing Remarks
Bernard Klatte, Incoming RRNW President